Greetings, Earthlings!

Sensors have been picking up rogue signals from the Neighborhood Nebula. Might be nothing. Might be something. That’s where you come in. Now through November 3, 2023, keep your eyes peeled and your Ring device notifications on, and you may be eligible to win $1 million!

Operation: Ring’s Million Dollar Search for Extraterrestrials


  • Between October 4 and November 3, 2023, remain vigilant for any Extraterrestrial sighting (as defined in the Official Rules) on your indoor or outdoor Ring device.
  • If you capture an Extraterrestrial sighting on your Ring device, download and save the clip from the Ring app to your phone.
  • Upload your Scientific Evidence of the Extraterrestrial (as defined in the Official Rules) via the submission form.


  • To be eligible to win the Grand Prize of $1 million, as provided by the Official Rules, entrants must submit Scientific Evidence documenting an Extraterrestrial before the end of the Promotion Period. Additionally, entrants must coordinate the required in-person meeting (along with satisfying all other eligibility requirements contained in the Official Rules).
  • If no real Extraterrestrials stop by your house this Halloween season, don’t worry! We’re giving away "Out of this World" Prizes to the most creative submissions that do not qualify for the Grand Prize. Show us your best Extraterrestrial costumes, accessories, makeup, props, or other artificial means and you may be eligible to win a $500 Amazon gift card for your extraordinary creativity.

Entry Guidelines:

  • You must be the owner of the Ring device or have Shared User access to the Ring device associated with the Entry.
  • Entry must be captured on Ring indoor or outdoor device.
  • Entry must be no longer than 1 minute (60 seconds) in length to be considered for the Grand Prize or "Out of this World" Prizes.
  • Entry must be captured during the Promotion Period (10/4/23-11/3/23).
  • To be eligible to win the Grand Prize, Entry must contain Scientific Evidence of an Extraterrestrial sighting, as stated in the Official Rules.
  • All other eligibility requirements contained in the Official Rules must be satisfied to win either the Grand Prize or the "Out of this World" Prizes.
  • Have fun and don’t be fooled by the realistic costumes you may see on Halloween!

Space Searcher:

All fields required unless indicated as optional:

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